

Book of rhythm, 150x190cm, acrylic on canvas 2021
Rhythm of life chapter 1/Bass 150x120cm, acrylic on canvas 2021 (sold)
Natural Medicine, 150x120cm, acrylic and spraypaint on canvas 2022 (sold)
Elements,150x120cm acrylic and spraypaint on canvas 2020(sold)
By the river, 150x120cm, acrylic and spraypaint on canvas 2020 (sold)
In the woods,150x120cm acrylic and spraypaint on canvas 2021
Blush, 150x200cm, acrylic and oil on canvas 2019 (sold)
Open water ,150x190cm acrylic and oil on canvas (sold)
It was written,150x190cm acrylic and oil on canvas 2019
Immortal, 150x190cm acrylic and oil on canvas 2020